Thursday, October 30, 2003
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
The Oldies
" The Oldies "
Remember Mang Udel? He once also known as Pak Broto in TVRI drama series, Losmen, in the middle of 80s. I just found him today. Found? Yea!
Not so many people know that he's still alive in his 80. He who always brings his "Ukulele" every time he performs for TV show (he once famous with his comedian group, "Los Gilos" with the late Bing Slamet and Mang Cepot in year 50s), looks so old and tiredful (yea, no wonder lah!). Well, comparing to his impressive acting in "Losmen" and his last movie (I guess), "Pasir Berbisik", who played together with Christine Hakim and Dian Sastro (the only young Indo celebs - beside Nirina, the MTV VJ - who I adore).
I was looking for him to have his comment for the late "Ismail Marzuki", one of the greatest composer Indonesia ever had. He once played a band with Marzuki named "Empat Sekawan".
To find him is like looking for a needle on the grass. Nobody knows his existence, even his close friends who once played with him. So, I tried my luck by asking (again) to Parfi (a Film Star Association), then some guy suggested me to ask Cinematek (an Indonesian Movie Library) instead. And after waiting for quite some time, none of them have his contact address (sadly to say, considering they work in an institution called library!).
So, Internet is the only option to find a missing pieces. And, I got it! I found an article about Mang Udel in Sinar Harapan newspaper, online version.
So I contacted the editorial staff to get the writer's number. But too bad, I didn't get the number as he only works as a contributor (so?). Fortunately, though she doesn't have his number, she could get me to Mang Udel's house in Jl. Moh. Yamin, Menteng! Yaiy, yaiy! What a relieved!!
At 4pm I finally found his house which close to the main road. Lives next to his daughters, his house is quite dark, loaded with antiques and some old stuffs (hell, pretty scary at night! :D). So I met him immediately and got surprised with his homeliness. He once was a big star in his era, and now, everyone forgets him (something common in Indo world!).
Then I've arranged to interview him tomorrow afternoon (after taking some shots of Chairil Anwar's cemetery for this week's show), though he doesn't really remember his time with Marzuki. Make sense, as he's old enough to memorize, and Marzuki died in 1958. Somehow, it's worth to try, isn't it?
Remember Mang Udel? He once also known as Pak Broto in TVRI drama series, Losmen, in the middle of 80s. I just found him today. Found? Yea!
Not so many people know that he's still alive in his 80. He who always brings his "Ukulele" every time he performs for TV show (he once famous with his comedian group, "Los Gilos" with the late Bing Slamet and Mang Cepot in year 50s), looks so old and tiredful (yea, no wonder lah!). Well, comparing to his impressive acting in "Losmen" and his last movie (I guess), "Pasir Berbisik", who played together with Christine Hakim and Dian Sastro (the only young Indo celebs - beside Nirina, the MTV VJ - who I adore).
I was looking for him to have his comment for the late "Ismail Marzuki", one of the greatest composer Indonesia ever had. He once played a band with Marzuki named "Empat Sekawan".
To find him is like looking for a needle on the grass. Nobody knows his existence, even his close friends who once played with him. So, I tried my luck by asking (again) to Parfi (a Film Star Association), then some guy suggested me to ask Cinematek (an Indonesian Movie Library) instead. And after waiting for quite some time, none of them have his contact address (sadly to say, considering they work in an institution called library!).
So, Internet is the only option to find a missing pieces. And, I got it! I found an article about Mang Udel in Sinar Harapan newspaper, online version.
So I contacted the editorial staff to get the writer's number. But too bad, I didn't get the number as he only works as a contributor (so?). Fortunately, though she doesn't have his number, she could get me to Mang Udel's house in Jl. Moh. Yamin, Menteng! Yaiy, yaiy! What a relieved!!
At 4pm I finally found his house which close to the main road. Lives next to his daughters, his house is quite dark, loaded with antiques and some old stuffs (hell, pretty scary at night! :D). So I met him immediately and got surprised with his homeliness. He once was a big star in his era, and now, everyone forgets him (something common in Indo world!).
Then I've arranged to interview him tomorrow afternoon (after taking some shots of Chairil Anwar's cemetery for this week's show), though he doesn't really remember his time with Marzuki. Make sense, as he's old enough to memorize, and Marzuki died in 1958. Somehow, it's worth to try, isn't it?
Sunday, October 26, 2003
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
The Most Cheapest Thing in Indo
" The Cheapest Thing in Indo "
Alkisah, Produser gue baru dapet anak kembar perempuan minggu lalu. Yang satu beratnya 2,4 kg (yang mesti di taruh di inkubator dulu), dan satunya 2,7 kg. Semula di RS Hermina, Bekasi.
Ternyata, yang di inkubator itu ada KELAINAN JANTUNG karena posisinya yang di bawah kakaknya waktu di rahim. Karena dokter sana give up, akhirnya di refer ke RS HARAPAN KITA dan harus SEGERA masuk ICU.
Setelah ke RS HARAPAN KITA, pihak RS MENOLAK dan MENELANTARKAN bayi Produser gue itu, karena dia ngga cukup bawa uang sebanyak yang diminta pihak RS, sebesar 7,5 juta sebagai PERSYARATAN AWAL untuk masuk ke ruang ICU. Meskipun udah dijanjikan akan dilunasi hari Senin-nya (waktu itu Jumat), tapi mereka tetap menolak.
Baru SETELAH tahu kalau Produser gue adalah wartawan, ditambah surat perjanjian di atas segel, baru mereka setuju untuk memasukkan bayinya ke ruang ICU dengan pelunasan kemudian.
Gue jadi mikir, gimana sama orang yang ngga punya duit sama sekali, kalo RS-RS sekarang segitu MATRE-nya. Apa emang segitu benernya ujaran yang bilang bahwa HARGA BARANG DI INDONESIA ITU MAHAL SEMUA, KECUALI HARGA NYAWA ORANG ???
Alkisah, Produser gue baru dapet anak kembar perempuan minggu lalu. Yang satu beratnya 2,4 kg (yang mesti di taruh di inkubator dulu), dan satunya 2,7 kg. Semula di RS Hermina, Bekasi.
Ternyata, yang di inkubator itu ada KELAINAN JANTUNG karena posisinya yang di bawah kakaknya waktu di rahim. Karena dokter sana give up, akhirnya di refer ke RS HARAPAN KITA dan harus SEGERA masuk ICU.
Setelah ke RS HARAPAN KITA, pihak RS MENOLAK dan MENELANTARKAN bayi Produser gue itu, karena dia ngga cukup bawa uang sebanyak yang diminta pihak RS, sebesar 7,5 juta sebagai PERSYARATAN AWAL untuk masuk ke ruang ICU. Meskipun udah dijanjikan akan dilunasi hari Senin-nya (waktu itu Jumat), tapi mereka tetap menolak.
Baru SETELAH tahu kalau Produser gue adalah wartawan, ditambah surat perjanjian di atas segel, baru mereka setuju untuk memasukkan bayinya ke ruang ICU dengan pelunasan kemudian.
Gue jadi mikir, gimana sama orang yang ngga punya duit sama sekali, kalo RS-RS sekarang segitu MATRE-nya. Apa emang segitu benernya ujaran yang bilang bahwa HARGA BARANG DI INDONESIA ITU MAHAL SEMUA, KECUALI HARGA NYAWA ORANG ???
Thursday, October 16, 2003
Saturday, October 11, 2003
" Updating Post "
My, my, my...what a day...WHAT A DAY...
Next Monday will be going to Losari (Center Java), 5 hours driving from Jakarta, to profile the late Sawitri, a Cirebon Mask Dancer. Probably will stay at Kuningan, the closest place instead of Cirebon, for 2 nights and 3 days, and asap back to Jakarta to finish the remained work of upcoming episodes; WR Supratman, Chairil Anwar, Ismail Marzuki, Bung Tomo, and then Sawitri. These will be my responsibility to finalize, while Novi will take the rest, and leave to Bali to profile Antonio Blanco, Arie Smit, and Nyoman Gunarsa....hmmm...what a nice trip, huh!
It's really a tight schedule for all folks in production (Maestro and Champion), as we have to make it all done before we get the long holiday before Ramadhan Days at November 25-26. Moreover, the other program (40 episodes of Nurcholish Madjid's A Contemplation of Ramadhan) is currently managed to be on air this Oct 15th in Metro TV, runs daily. Read my post about this Bittersweet Moment, point 2 (Ugh! If only I'm a PHP geek!). So, everyone works like hell nowadays...
Tomorrow morning will attend to Pre-Hajj Meeting (the 2nd) with my parents, held by our travel agent. Yay! It's getting closer to Mecca!!
Still at office, thinking to write synopsis for Gan KL (A Translator of Chinese Martial Art Fiction) that will be running on Oct, 19th.
Phffiieeww....okey dokey...Have a nice weekend people! See ya next time! I'll bring my camera and shoot some pictures at Losari and some places around. (Though I have no idea what would I find in Losari! I don't like the city, so damn hot!)
My, my, my...what a day...WHAT A DAY...
Next Monday will be going to Losari (Center Java), 5 hours driving from Jakarta, to profile the late Sawitri, a Cirebon Mask Dancer. Probably will stay at Kuningan, the closest place instead of Cirebon, for 2 nights and 3 days, and asap back to Jakarta to finish the remained work of upcoming episodes; WR Supratman, Chairil Anwar, Ismail Marzuki, Bung Tomo, and then Sawitri. These will be my responsibility to finalize, while Novi will take the rest, and leave to Bali to profile Antonio Blanco, Arie Smit, and Nyoman Gunarsa....hmmm...what a nice trip, huh!
It's really a tight schedule for all folks in production (Maestro and Champion), as we have to make it all done before we get the long holiday before Ramadhan Days at November 25-26. Moreover, the other program (40 episodes of Nurcholish Madjid's A Contemplation of Ramadhan) is currently managed to be on air this Oct 15th in Metro TV, runs daily. Read my post about this Bittersweet Moment, point 2 (Ugh! If only I'm a PHP geek!). So, everyone works like hell nowadays...
Tomorrow morning will attend to Pre-Hajj Meeting (the 2nd) with my parents, held by our travel agent. Yay! It's getting closer to Mecca!!
Still at office, thinking to write synopsis for Gan KL (A Translator of Chinese Martial Art Fiction) that will be running on Oct, 19th.
Phffiieeww....okey dokey...Have a nice weekend people! See ya next time! I'll bring my camera and shoot some pictures at Losari and some places around. (Though I have no idea what would I find in Losari! I don't like the city, so damn hot!)
Sunday, October 05, 2003
" Bon Pembawa Petaka! "
Aaaarggghhhh!! Toloooong!
Gara-gara teledor naro bon-bon pengeluaran waktu liputan luar kota, gue terancam dipotong gaji sebesar sejuta sekian, sesuai jumlah bon yang ilang...dammit! Percuma aja berusaha jujur pakai budget sesuai pengeluaran kalo nyimpen bon aja gak becus!! %#*@!%#$
Gue pikir bakal ada 'pertimbangan' dari pihak manajemen, karena selama liputan luar kota, gak pernah ada dana siluman macem-macem di laporan keuangan gue. Ada sisa sekian juta aja gue balikin. Boh! Susah kalo kerja sama orang-orang yang nganggep liputan luar kota itu adalah kesempatan buat nilep duit kantor!!! HUH!!!
Aaaarggghhhh!! Toloooong!
Gara-gara teledor naro bon-bon pengeluaran waktu liputan luar kota, gue terancam dipotong gaji sebesar sejuta sekian, sesuai jumlah bon yang ilang...dammit! Percuma aja berusaha jujur pakai budget sesuai pengeluaran kalo nyimpen bon aja gak becus!! %#*@!%#$
Gue pikir bakal ada 'pertimbangan' dari pihak manajemen, karena selama liputan luar kota, gak pernah ada dana siluman macem-macem di laporan keuangan gue. Ada sisa sekian juta aja gue balikin. Boh! Susah kalo kerja sama orang-orang yang nganggep liputan luar kota itu adalah kesempatan buat nilep duit kantor!!! HUH!!!
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