Yeeyhooww...still alive heeeree...!! *hosh-hosh*
Fiieewww...whatta life...super duper hectic, super duper crazy...still survive though...
Got so many thing to do at work, everything asks priority, everything needs to be done at a time, IMMEDIATELY! Boh! I only got two hands, ten fingers, and a lame brain, what I have to do?
Latest news:
Besides the weekly episodes of MAESTRO, I've been busy with some brand new documentary program,
INSPIRING WOMAN, that will be running on
Metro TV (again!), starting on May 2004, every Saturday, 8.30-9.00 am (24 minutes). First episode will be
Baby Jim Aditya, an HIV/AIDS activist. See
her site to find the latest information about HIV/AIDS or other thing. Been following her since last week, interviewing her twice, have been impressing my personal thought.
Taking some shoots about her activities at one school when she did conselling about HIV/AIDS, Sex, and Reproduction information. Surprisingly, the 2004's research found that the epidemic of HIV/AIDS in Indonesia has spread to
24.000cases, found only in Jakarta. THAT doesn't included with the unreported cases that usually being hidden in Indonesia, which make me scared about the
ice-mountain effect!.
Unfortunately, NOBODY'S care that HIV/AIDS ACTUALLY very close to their lives! Let me clear it. People with HIV/AIDS positif, no longer people with commitment to have a safe sex or faithful married. They can infect us by sharing a shave (wounded skin would be potentially infected), unsterillized facial tools, unsterillized dental tools, mothers to their babies, from an unfaithful husband to their faithful wives. Not to mention some high risk people who like sharing needle (drug users), and sex without protection. So, HIV/AIDS are in fact around us, so very close, crawling without a sound, without exception.
Took her activities at
Pangkalan, a slump area that also being used for trucks shelter at
Bekasi Barat area (2 hours driving from Jakarta without traffic jam), to give the truck drivers (whom their sexual activities tend to be high risk) some information about HIV/AIDS, teach and recommend them to USE condom properly (for their lack of information and cultural binded, they actually don't feel it's neccessary to use it!).
Frankly, it was my first time going to a place that considering very dangerous. Maybe like a slump area at Mexico city, where drugs, dice, sex, drinks are unprohibited. Very scared to me as they looked at me lustfully. I was just exciting to play around with the children and made conversation with the Moms. Taking their pics, showing them how their look like through the LCD, and enjoying their laughing a lot. So naive but offering pure friendship.
Very bad feeling that I have to see how they live in that kind of place. And to know the high probability for them to get infected from their irresponsible dads, is more scared to me. The next day, one girl that I met there,
Titin (9 y.o), called me, telling that she missed me already and ask whether I could go to her place next time. Very hard to tell that I might have some difficulty to go there again. First, I'm tied with a tight deadline, with a fixed team, that won't give me a chance to go there by myself alone, and second, I'm just TOO scared with the neighborhood around. So, I just promised her that I'd send the pics once I've printed it.
As a Muslim, I'm actually not too agree to recommend unmarried people using condom. It's like that I'm agree and legalize sex activity between unmarried couple. But to prevent innocent people from irresponsible people that live with high risks, so I see condom is the best solution, at least at this time. Besides, I bet they won't listen if suggested to live faithfully based on God's rules. And I guess, it's their life, not mine. But, if life seems harder with this HIV/AIDS thing around, it's ironic when you found out that NOBODY is care until they found the virus is in their own body!