" Zombie Wannabe"
Yabedabedooo!! Mermaidslife's Gallery is up now! It contains Sketch, Snapshots, and Deezign, some of my inspiration showcase.
And proudly to say, I made the finishing cut for Maestro's tonight episode, M. Natsir, that will be running today, Sunday, Aug 3, 10.05-10.30 pm, Metro TV. THAT has made me staying awake for 34 hours last Thursday-Friday! Hell, it was the longest time I don't sleep at all! Hehe funny, because I can too sleep all day long like, Indonesian will say, 'Kerbau', or means Buffalo!)
That happened because my producer had to held some important meeting the next day, and nobody but me could replace him, as I was the one who was in charge completing this episode. He's already made the rough cut and I just have to add some more pictures to some scenes.
What stressing me out was the importance of this episode. Firstly, I never did the post-production work before. The farthest I've done was just collecting the interviewing scenes and deliver it to my producer who then make the rough cut (with editors), then finalize and deliver it to Metro. I write the synopsis sometimes, but not too necessary, sometimes my producer writes himself.
Sec, Natsir is one of the "Independence Day Theme" episodes, that profiling some of Founding Fathers who declared and involved in managing the independence of Indonesia, like Hamengkubuwono IX, Soekarno, Hatta, Sjahrir. So, the profile himself gave the extent to my tension!
He was our First Information Minister at 1946; the founded Prime Minister at 1949 (I forgot the exact time); Leader of Masyumi, the only Islamic Party at 1955, and the most important role of Islamic leader, in Indonesia and abroad. Some of his thought was adapted by Amien Rais, Nurcholish Madjid, and Yusril Ihza Mahendra. (They will be on screen, giving their opinion about Natsir, together with Rosihan Anwar, Deliar Noer, Husein Umar (Secretary of 'Dewan Dakwah', the Islamic organization Natsir's formed), and his son, Fauzie Natsir). To know who they are, just referring to Google to find out.
So I should screen over some reference books about him and the related history, putting RIGHT photographs (the accurate time to the event took place) to the right scenes or narration, so it won't give wrong information to the audience. The worst case, if there's NO proper photographs for such a scene (or to cover some accidental technical problem), so we have to do some 'tricky' job. Say, put a pic of Natsir in WELCOMING BOUQUET just to get the MOMENT of his releasing from jail, though that bouquet supposed to happened when he visited West Sumatra for other appointment. The lack of proper photographs also the reason why same pictures are showed many times in some scenes.
It's only a 19 minutes show, BUT if the measures of time based on SECONDS, that means hell! To see 40"-60" of man talking without anything else to see, will only make the audience getting bored and change the TV channels so easily. So we have to insert some various thing like pictures, footage, or clipping, to make the show more attractive. (However, this is a documentary program, not a 'Dangdut' Show!)
So, with 2 different Editors who work based on shift, I worked non stop since 7.30 pm until the real copy of Maestro was ready to deliver at 10.30 am. Actually it didn't have to be THAT long to finish the whole work, since it's already put together by my producer. Too bad I'm perfectionist and amateur as well! What a good combination to screw up the tight schedule!
I can't say that I'm not proud of this work. I am, though I had some butterflies flying on my stomach when my producer reviewed the final cut (that CAN NOT be revised anymore!). I keep praying that he would not irritate to some changes I've made that has been done by himself just before. Well, though he looked disagree to some scenes, he said it was not bad. Fiiuhhhh....
Anyhow, I was really enjoying the moment when surprising everyone at office in the morning. I'm famous as "Miss-Late of the Year". If there's no appointment, I prefer coming to office close to lunch time, so I don't have to wake up early in the morning. Yeaa...I knooow...(I can hear your disapproval! :P)
I continue my staying at office until 7.30 pm just because my body clock wanted me to go home at night, not in the hot, crowded, and sweaty day, that however wouldn't get me fall asleep and get some rest at the bus (and also at home). Though, according to the crowded and traffic jam, there's no different thing between day and night. At least, the darkness of night will 'camouflage' the body to rest automatically! Smartass eh? ;)
So, if you think you can stand watching documentary show tonight, be my pleasure. Any critic will be appreciated with a wide-opened arms! (sure from my producer!) :P
Saturday, August 02, 2003
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