Tuesday, June 29, 2004

To God

To God

Dear Allah SWT,

Please forgive the filthiness inside my heart
And the unbreakable wants inside my head
Laying under cover my physical masks

I'm dying inside...
I'm restless...
I'm mindless...
I have no way out to run away...

Please don't take Your loves from me...
Just give me a sign or two
How should I pay this back
And put everything in place

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Let Muslim Women Wear Hijab Petition

Let Muslim Women Wear Hijab Petition

To: All Freedom Loving People

Appeal to all MANKIND. All fellow humans, who believe in freedom of expression.

The government in Turkey is not secular, its dictatorship. I do not have problem with secularism, but let people express themselves. Here is America and other European countries Muslim women wear Hijab and cover their heads. Turkish government cannot enforce a particular belief on to its population. That is against basic Human rights violations. Below is an excerpt from a Turkish Citizen...

See the rest petition here, or sign the petition here.


They may take our hijab off, but not our gut to fight what they always strive for their own sake: THE HUMAN RIGHTS!

< Dissi Kaydee, the undersigned # 1160 >

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Synopsis and Recognition

Synopsis and Recognition

Waaks! I just found out the synopsis I write for Maestro's current episodes, are not just published in Media Indonesia Newspaper (Sunday edition) but also in their website!

I was going to find some information about the late Mochtar Apin that is need by my producer to write script about Apin's profile. Apin was the leading artist who's established Graphic Design movement in Indonesia, and also the founder of Graphics Design Faculty at ITB (Intitute Technology Bandung), Bandung, West Java.

This I put from Larasati, an Auction House.

"Mochtar Apin (1923-1994) studied under Ries Mulder, the Dutch painter and principal teacher for the School of Fine Arts in Bandung. Co-founder of the Gelanggang movement in Jakarta in 1946. Graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology in 1951. Mochtar Apin later went to Europe to study in Amsterdam (1951-1953), at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris (1953-1958), and at the Deutsche Academy Der Kunde, Berlin. He painted the murals in the Indonesian embassies in Paris. At May 1958 Mochtar Apin returned to Indonesia. Apart from being a painter, he was also famous for his graphic works. He was a professor of art at the Institute Technology Bandung."

See other article about Modern Art in Indonesia to know the background.


So I searched Google with keywords: mochtar-apin-grafis. Then I caught up to some words that I know very much, basked on the top second link. WUPS! It's my writing! Curiously, I followed the link that straightly brought me to Media Indonesia Online, and here it is: put in the first line! *gulp*

I never read my synopsis after it got published. I don't know, I just feel unconfident to see or read it. Part of myself, afraid to see some mistakes that I might made. Another reason is, I don't see writing a sysnopsis takes so much effort that need to acknowledge, though, due to a lack in my writing skill, I often have to stay at the office and lay sleepless all night long, just to finish one synopsis! I also don't have to compete to being published, as Media Indonesia acts as mutual partner with Metro TV. MI gives information about any program running on Metro TV. (They owned by the same person, Surya Paloh).

So..THAT surprised me. Not because knowing that my writing 'finally' shown up in the newspaper, but more to know the serious impact that could rise up if I give WRONG information! Gosh! Doesn't mean that I never pay attention when writing something, but, I think I have to be more careful to the impact behind! Especially, I deal with a TV program that bring serious and in-depth information, and has a significant number of loyal audience! EEECCKKSS!!

So, this is it, after some editing from MI's editor.

Btw, I found out (again), my synopsis for another program that I'm also involve in, Inspiring Woman, has also being published on the same date, June 20. It's about a professional woman in IT field, Shanty Soedarpo. Check out the right column, beyond the title: "Berita Lainnya", 5th row. Both Apin (Maestro) and Shanty Soedarpo (IW)'s edition will be on air this Saturday, June 26. Maestro at 9.05-9.30 pm, IW at 8.30-9.00 am.

If you see the 3rd row, New Champion, it's also created by my company, INDRA TV News Agency. The same semi-documentary program but for athletes profile (every Wed, 9.05 pm), but I'm not involve in it.

Actually it's not always Metro TV (their website's still under construction) we deal with. Another brand new program, Makin Akrab, profiling popular Musician/Band, currently running on TV7, at 10 pm.

So, that's it, begitulah...

Friday, June 11, 2004

Linkin Park is HEREEEE




My sis saw them all arrived by Lufthansa T O D A Y !!!


See ya there the day after tomorrow, people!! Wuhuy!

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

daily rampant

Hey world! Whatzzuppp...
Been 'busy' the whole weekz since arrived from Bandung last week. So many thing happened that bring some enlightment to my moody mind.

1. Found good impact of being connected through Friendster Network. Got new friends, and found some old one from my school time. So I'm in the high mood checking Friendster everyday day, just to see to whom I've been connected with. Found a guy who's been my first love at elementary school (YEA, right!), but never happened to get to know him at all (though he lives at the same neighborhood). Don't be suspicious. He's already married and got 2 kids, so, nothing's more to say! ;)

And another surprising story that I've got from Friendster, when a favorite guy at high school revealed something that I keep feeling regret that nothing's ever happened between us, and it's sooo damn too late to start it over again. What a life, huh? Something sparkling inside never been disclosed for ages, just because Life wants it that way!

2. Got permission to use my Dad's car, as my own. So, it's been 3 days I'm enjoying myself speeding at night. It IS a great car, Dad! Thanks in a million! :D

3. Been wandering around Sitepoint website, to learn CSS and HTML goodies. A very wealthy resources. Too bad, they don't accept book request from here. :(

4. Got Linkin Park ticket for June 13rd concert! Wooohoooo...!!

5. Will jump to Bukit Duabelas Jungle in Jambi, in June 4th week, to interview and take some shots of Butet Manurung, for Inspiring Woman, July edition. The program itself running on Saturdays, 8.30 am, Metro TV. Butet has been teaching Suku Anak Rimba (indigenous people in Jambi) children of reading, writing, and simple math for more than 3 years.

It's a daunting task, yet very challenging to me. I never go to any jungle or even to mountain, so I don't know how to live or survive. But, fiiuhhh, it's a very very unusual moment that I'd never trade it with others! Check out WARSI website, an Indonesian Conservation Community for Rimba (jungle) People in Jambi, or this to get information about the Rimba People.

Ok, until later!

Friday, June 04, 2004

dragging on you

I don't know why I keep denying, keep denying, keep denying, keep denying, keep...
In fact, I never could deny your existence within my heart, my soul, my thought...though for years I'm living in absence...even I keep running away...and even I keep giving up...
Too pathetic may it seems, but hell, I don't care...that's what I feel that I can't deny...fortunately, I'm a survivor...

And if oneday I could manage to give up, for damn sure, that must not come from myself.

I love you...as always...