Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Rasa cinta kepada Allah SWT dan Rasul-Nya SAW yang kita ucapkan
sewaktu pengikraran syahadat itu adalah rasa cinta yang tertinggi, yang
tidak boleh sampai ada tandingannya sebagaimana kita mengakui ke-Esa-an
Allah SWT, tidak ada sesuatu pun yang kita sembah selain Allah SWT.
Itulah salah satu ciri orang beriman yang paling penting, yaitu mereka
sangatlah cinta kepada Allah SWT sehingga rela berkorban apa saja untuk
menyenangkan dan membuat ridho DIA yang mereka cintai. Rasa cinta mereka
kepada Allah SWT inilah yang membuat mereka tidak merasa berat atau ragu-
ragu lagi dalam melaksanakan setiap perintah dan menjauhi setiap larangan

[a source from Google search]

Maafkan Dissi, Sayang...tapi ini harus Dissi lakukan...
Thank you so much for all those lovely weeks you've made...
to the moment we've shared together...
Only a tiny moment you've brighten my days, but I'm sorry...so terribly sorry...
I just can't...

Monday, December 06, 2004

Reflection a while

Tied up 'til the night

Ugh maan....I'm quite bored with all this blog stuff. So damn bored. Though my life's not. I'm thinking to reconstruct Mermaidslife to be more...hmm...let me think...hmmm...I don't know, maybe I'm trying to find some alibi not to update regularly like used to. Just...*sigh* I need some new challenge, some new environment instead of work, work, work.

Hell, now I found out the main reason why I'm feeling soo bored. This work is really tied me up. Working late and often staying awake for million hours in editing room, put some rough cuts, helpless for the lack of raw material, exhaustedly thinking how to make a proper flow to tell someone's profile, put a proper statement to a proper shot, a proper pic to a proper statement, write the script, finalizing, check-recheck, make sure the final cut will be delivered the other day, thinking what should be done for next week's episode...eergghhh....it's DEADLINE all the time! Maann...

In the other side, I'm thinking to start finalizing my dream job in Web Development. I should have had time to take some programming courses, I should have had time to practise my design skill, I should have had time to learn a few books I bought or learn from the internet, I should have had time to deal with some jobs offering.

In the other side, I can't stop my eagerness to post a new blog, write a story, drawing, taking photographs, re-build Mermaidslife's layout, build a layout for my new domain, thinking the content, end-up in coffee shop, do some sports (SPORT?! no kidding?! Hell NO, I'm getting older now!), visiting some spots around the city, etc, etc.

Oh well...the very bad news is I have no time at all! Blah!

Uh well...no complaining, no grumbling. At least, I enjoy a few thing that happened during the days. Went out for Bowling exercise, have some new friends, some new communities, that lead me to a fresh mind, considering some business ideas, interested to know CMS (Content Management System), and the best part is I'm getting better in my spiritual condition. Get to know God's Will better and how to take it as it is, wisely, solemnly. Fiuuh...not that bad, huh?

Ok then, back to work! Unexpectedly, writing this post gives my spirit back!

So...'til Later, Alligator!